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Source: Statista
Tangible (Physical) Assets vs. Intangible Assets (IP)
Source: My Asset Tag
Source: Lexology
Source: Ocean Tomo
Source: Advertising + Marketing Malaysia (2017)
Source: Pharma Boardroom
Foreign Online E-Commerce still reigns supreme in Malaysia
Source: Market Research Malaysia
Unlike physical assets, Intangible Assets are only recordable in your Company's Balance Sheet through the monetisation or "cash out" (please see OSIM® example below) of your Intangible Assets i.e. your Intellectual Property (e.g. patents) by sales (e.g. M&A, Assignments), rental (licensing, franchising), investments (shares buy-in, joint venture, IPO), to name a few.
Source: Robert T. Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad)
We also provide the services to record your intangible assets into your Company Balance Sheet via a monetisation process through our sister accounting & audit companies.
Like Luxury Watches & Real Estate,
Intangible Assets (such as patents) will appreciate in value through time.
Sue Lynn (Founder of Bangsar Babe ®) with David Beckham
during Bangsar Babe ®'s 10th Year Anniversary in 2017
To read more Sue Lynn of Bangsar Babe ® Review on Us,
please click here.
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